Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

How do I ...

The following topics describe specific examples on how to use Service Manager.


Logging In or Accessing Records Using URLs

Security Examples


Example: Creating a Multiple Series Chart Using Multiple Business Objects

Business Value Modeling


Limiting Attachment Size

Business Objects

Displaying Change Attachments in Incident Record

Displaying Problem Attachments as a Separate Child Panel for Parent Incident

Example: Enabling Cost Items in a Business Object

Business Rules

Example: Updating Field Values in Related Business Objects


Creating a Calendar


Working with Global Constants


Example: Using a Counter Name in an Initialization Rule


Dashboard Examples

Development Project

Example: Migrating Request Offering Changes


Example: Creating or Linking Business Objects via Email

Example: Processing an Email Based on Incident Status

Examples of Processing Emails Received in XML Format


Example: Setting an Escalation Schedule by Priority


About Using Expressions in Quick Actions

Financial Management

Example: Tracking Costs for an Incident


Request Form Examples

Hours of Operation

Example: Setting Up Hours of Operation for Off Hours

Import and Export

Example: Importing Configuration Item Relationships

About the Run Program

Mapping SCCM Fields

Hierarchical XML File Examples


Adding the ESX Business Object to the CI Layout


Example: Highlighting Certain Incidents in a List

Log In

Defining the Loading Message

Logging In or Accessing Records Using URLs


Translating Quick Actions and Their Prompts

Example: Translating Label Expressions

Pick Lists

Example: Configuring a Pick List for a Request Offering

Portfolio and Project Management

Getting Started with Portfolio and Project Management

Quick Actions

Example: Working with the Export Data Quick Action

Example: Using the Run Program Quick Action

Example: Using the Send Email Quick Action

Examples of Using Quick Actions

Translating the Self Service Quick Action Templates

Example: Creating a Report Quick Action

Example: Using the Update Object Quick Action

Example: Using the Insert Child Object Quick Action

Example: Using the Export to Microsoft Excel Quick Action

Example: Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open Another Workspace

Example: Using the UI Action Quick Action to Open a Workflow

Example: Using the Run for Child Quick Action

Example: Using the Search and Link Quick Action

Example: Using the Clone Object Quick Action


Creating Reports and Report Templates

Viewing Reports

Related Objects

Using Related Items and Object Matching

Example: Hiding Related Items in Closed Status

Request Form Setup

Request Form Examples

Request Offerings

Example: Using a Cascading Validation List

Example: Using Multiple Currencies with a Single Service Catalog Offering


Search Examples

Example: Using Find and Replace

Example: Finding Records that Will Breach

Self Service Mobile Role

Creating a Self Service Mobile Role

Customizing the Responsive User Interface

Service Catalog

Example: Enabling Cost Items in a Business Object

Social Board

Creating a Record from the Social Board

Adding the Social Board to a Role


Example: Showing Fields in Different Colors Based on Value

Example: Using the SelectorFormat Property to Change a Style on Hover

User Configurations

Example: Giving Service Desk Analysts Access to Assigned Incidents

Example: Giving a Service Desk Manager Access to Incidents for an Organizational Unit

Example: Giving a Service Desk Analyst Access to Incidents Assigned to an Organizational Unit

Example: Giving Users in the Self-Service Portal Access to Submitted Incidents

Submitting a Service Request on Behalf of a Customer


Example: Defining an Approval Block for the Service Request Business Object

Example: Using Task Status with the WaitForChild Workflow Block

Troubleshooting the WaitForChild Workflow Block

Example: Canceling a Workflow that is Awaiting Approval

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